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Neueste Artikel zum Sex Club Wien

The public order authority bans prostitution in apartments

By Alexander Müller | 2022.10.20.

The regulatory office and the authorities discovered various infractions after a thorough investigation, including numerous systemic problems in real estate and unlawful prostitution. Under the direction of the unit for regulatory activities in the bureau of community protection and order in the city of Hagen, the urban planning provider, the trade inspectorate, a chief of…

Four suggestions on how to be a skilled luxury escort in Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2022.10.04.

The highest standard in the sector is elevated escorts. Numerous materials on how to become an escort are available, however, being attractive and tall are not the only requirements for being an elite escort. It is more important to embrace your good qualities than to carefully consider your strongest character traits. A real person, not…

Conflict at brothel bar’s restroom fully escalates

By Alexander Müller | 2022.09.08.

A fight involving two guys escalated in the restroom of a pub in Basel’s red light district. Additionally, a helper was hurt. In the first weekend of September, two guys got into a fight in a red-light club in Kleinbasel, and the aggressor ran off. A 32-year-old got into a fight in the Captain Cook Bar…

An employee of a brothel was critically injured in Düsseldorf

By Alexander Müller | 2022.09.07.

Two staff members of a Düsseldorf brothel were tragically stabbed at the begging of September after an altercation with some aggressive customers. The authors of the altercation at a Düsseldorf brothel, which resulted in the serious injuries of two employees, are still at large. A day after, a police official stated that the males were being searched…

Hells Angels boss: his pub was set on fire

By Alexander Müller | 2022.09.03.

Rocker manager Frank Hanebuth believes that his business has been specifically targeted for destruction. Hanover’s “Sansibar” bar was set on fire; rocker boss Frank Hanebuth (57) saw the firefighting efforts while seated on a chair and with a crutch, as initially reported by “Bild.” Witnesses Passersby made the emergency contact about 2.15 in the morning,…

25-year-old loses his nerve while having sex in a whorehouse

By Alexander Müller | 2022.08.25.

A man made a brief stop at a Frankfurt brothel where he made plans to meet a prostitute for sex. Then, everything got worse. In Frankfurt’s Bahnhofsviertel neighborhood, a brothel on Taunusstraße, a prostitute was supposedly threatened with a gun on Wednesday. The victim was able to get away from the offender. In the punishment…

Placido Domingo

Contact with a sex trafficking group is one of Plácido Domingo’s reported offenses

By Alexander Müller | 2022.08.25.

Plácido Domingo, a famous Spanish opera singer, has been connected to a Buenos Aires gang by Argentine investigators. Among other things, this is held accountable for illicit prostitution, including with children. Raids Approximately 50 police raids on the “BA Group,” which operated behind the doors of the yoga studio “Buenos Aires Yoga School,” were reportedly…

Mannheim wants to ban prostitution from Neckarstadt-West

By Alexander Müller | 2022.08.11.

The mayor of Mannheim seeks to prohibit prostitution in the city’s Neckarstadt-West neighborhood. However, doing this is not so simple. A significant neighborhood homeowner consents to future relocation plans under certain restrictions. The red lights in the brothel area of Mannheim won’t be turning off any time soon. The municipality claims that the city’s ambitious…

People from Lucern watch the new street in Zurich

By Alexander Müller | 2022.08.10.

Zurich’s inauguration of the first red light street in Switzerland is something that Lucerne is anticipating. This may affect Lucerne as well. The first red light street in Switzerland will open on Monday at 7 o’clock in Zurich. From Lucerne, people are keeping a careful eye on what is happening in Zurich. No one is…

Prostitution and pornography are forms of contemporary slavery

By Alexander Müller | 2022.08.08.

There is no “opposite model to civil marriage.” In a conversation, a former prostitute claimed that prostitution causes women to destroy themselves. The non-denominational free church ICF Munich recorded an interview with Sophie Hoppenstedt, a former prostitute and cam girl, at the end of July that is currently available on their Youtube account. Sophie explains,…

Forced prostitutes in Bavaria, illegal prostitution in Bad Wörishofer

By Alexander Müller | 2022.07.27.

We found two short, but interesting news about sex workers. Searches in the south for Human Trafficking The local police in Bavaria recently found forced prostitutes in the region as well as a 42-year-old lady without a permanent address in Germany who was engaged in prostitution in a local hotel. Six residences were searched by…

Hunter Biden – A problematic son

By Alexander Müller | 2022.07.25.

Drugs, liquor, and shady business dealings: Since the 2020 US election campaign, Hunter Biden (52) has been seen as the family’s “black sheep” from Us President Joe Biden. Now is revealed that Hunter Biden allegedly spent $30,000 on prostitutes over the course of five months (between November 2018 and March 2019), all while concealing the…