The public order authority bans prostitution in apartments

The regulatory office and the authorities discovered various infractions after a thorough investigation, including numerous systemic problems in real estate and unlawful prostitution.

Sex Work in Vienna

Under the direction of the unit for regulatory activities in the bureau of community protection and order in the city of Hagen, the urban planning provider, the trade inspectorate, a chief of police for the prostitute rights protection, and the Hagen police conducted a cooperative control operation last week that was carried out in nine residences and six organizations in the city area. The operation targeted illegal businesses, registration status, overcrowding, immigration, and illegal prostitution.

Of the 164 persons reported, 134 were verified by the staff. Due to the fact that 27 persons are no longer residing at the listed locations, they are consequently formally delisted. To investigate for potential benefit fraud, corresponding alerts are forwarded, among other places, to the work center in Hagen. With suitable proximity inquiries, the Hagen police frequently assist the inspections.

Illegal apartment prostitution was stopped

Three of the six occupations examined are deregistered as a result of the examination. The police also looked for unauthorized apartment prostitution and opened a related criminal inquiry. After multiple inspections were conducted in this flat, another case of unauthorized apartment prostitution might be broken up. The likelihood of illicit prostitution increased after a second inspection, although it remained unclear. The location will still be actively watched.

The Prostitution Protection Act, which controls the legal position of prostitution in Germany as a business in order to better the legal and social condition of prostitutes, is focused on protection, control, and guidance. This legislation states that prostitution get registered. Above all, prostitutes who find themselves in an emergency or forced position or whose unfavorable living circumstances encourage the practice or continuing of prostitution should have the legal protection and assistance that is required.

Numerous structural issues in an empty building

The crew discovered a number of issues with an empty property and reported them to the building code for follow-up action. The building’s main door and ground-floor windows were both open. The pipes might all be torn out of the walls if unauthorized individuals gained access to the home. As a result, Enervie came on the scene to take the meters apart. The house’s garages were also unlocked and neglected.

The plaster on several roofs and walls is in danger of falling off, the floors have broken through, and the house’s floor is half damaged. Wall painting has also fallen through. The ceilings are partially visible reinforcement, which is a strengthening of components utilizing steel inserts or textiles. Buildings have a higher load-bearing capability as a result of this. The entrance door and windows have been locked by the authorities.

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