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Neueste Artikel zum Sex Club Wien

Bijou Escort Review

By Alexander Müller | 2018.10.23.

When it comes to the paysex scene in Vienna, there are a variety of different establishments that serve their clients in Laufhauses or in clubs. The great city of Vienna is filled with a myriad of different legally operating brothels, but some of us still prefer having a private one-on-one session with a girl in…

Tina Turner had to spend her wedding night in a strip club

By Alexander Müller | 2018.10.12.

In a recent interview, the world-renowned singer Tina Turner revealed where her ex-husband Ike Turner (1931-2007) took her on their wedding night. The musical duo’s wedding was in Tijuana, Mexico where people usually go for the cheap sex clubs and fast wedding ceremonies. After their wedding in a small chapel, Ike Turner took her new…

Sex doll brothel in Freiberg am Neckar

By Alexander Müller | 2018.10.04.

A sex doll brothel has recently been opened in Freiberg am Neckar in Germany where clients can have sex with artificial dolls. Clients who want to have sex with the dolls have to make an appointment beforehand, as according to our sources, this is not a walk-in establishment. People can have sex with the anatomically…

Escort Girls Vienna (EGV) Review

By Alexander Müller | 2018.09.23.

Vienna is filled with many great brothels and sexclubs; however, there are numerous people who prefer the privacy of their hotel rooms when it comes to paying for sex over any other public establishment. This is exactly the reason why there are a couple of exceptional escort agencies that operate in Vienna as well. This…

Eve Bar closes – Taxi scam finally over

By Alexander Müller | 2018.09.05.

For years, Eve Bar in Vienna was known for the taxi scam that they have been doing to unwary, wealthy looking, drunk tourists. However, according to recent news, the establishment is closing for good, which means that the Eve Bar taxi scam is finally coming to an end too. Sources indicate that the place is…

August seasonal downtime in Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2018.08.22.

Summers are usually a hard period for Viennese Laufhauses, studios, sexclubs and FKKs alike. It might be the hot weather, or the fact that most girls go home for the summer, but the scene is slowing down in this time period for sure. Not only is the lineup in most clubs weaker than usual, but…

Laufhaus Girl Andreea

By Alexander Müller | 2018.08.17.

Andreea has been working in a couple of different Laufhauses in Vienna since she started working here a year or so ago. Currently, Andreea works in the Kontaktzone Laufhaus, however she is known for regularly switching Laufhauses. She started off her career in Vienna in Studio Rögergasse in the 9th district. From here, she moved…

Alice Little – Highest Paid Prostitute in USA

By Alexander Müller | 2018.08.05.

Alice Little (29) is currently the highest paid legal prostitute in the United States of America. In a recent interview, she revealed why she is booked more than any other girl at the Moonlite Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada, USA. According to Alice Little, people who visit her are not just looking for sex, but…

Bitcoin Machine at Beverly Hills Club, Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2018.07.18.

Beverly Hills Club, one of the oldest gentlemen’s clubs in Vienna has recently introduced a Bitcoin exchange machine in their establishment. Clients are able to convert their Euros into Bitcoins right there in the club. The transaction happens through a machine that mostly resembles an ATM and converting Euros into Bitcoins is as easy as…

New Laufhaus in Vienna at Zollgasse 3

By Alexander Müller | 2018.06.28.

A new Laufhaus in Vienna called Laufhaus Wien Mitte has recently been opened at Zollgasse 3, in the 3rd district. Apparently, the establishment started working two months later than expected because of a pending police approval. Laufhaus Zollgasse is centrally located near the Wien Mitte station, in a building that mostly resembles an office space…

Gürtel area reconstruction plans

By Alexander Müller | 2018.06.18.

The Gürtel in Vienna is a beltway that divides the inner districts from the outer districts and moves almost like a belt around the city. This was once the closest thing Vienna had to a Red Light District, but the introduction of the 2011 prostitution laws that banned street prostitution in the area changed that…

Aftermath of the New Prostitution Laws in Germany

By Alexander Müller | 2018.06.03.

It’s been exactly one year since the set of new prostitution laws has been introduced in Germany, which among other things also prohibits sex without condom. Shortly after the laws have been introduced, we started receiving reports of increased prices in multiple German FKKs. This has been happening all over Germany, in most major Hessen…