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Neueste Artikel zum Sex Club Wien

Sibylle Rauch is back in the sex industry

By Alexander Müller | 2019.03.25.

There are rumors that Sibylle Rauch is thinking about becoming a freelance sex-worker. It is important to mention that Sibylle Rauch was a well-rated porn actress back in the ’80s and ’90s. She was cast in numerous porn videos and in that period she was considered one of the best porn actresses. In 2019, Sibylle…

Robert Kraft is being prosecuted for soliciting prostitution.

By Alexander Müller | 2019.03.19.

Robert Kraft, the owner of the New England Patriots is being prosecuted for soliciting prostitution in Florida. The notorious billionaire is facing up to a year in prison, 100 hours of community service and a $5,000 fine. The friendship between Kraft and President Donald Trump transformed this topic into an international debate. Robert Kraft will…

Every two weeks, different illegal brothels were shut down in Linz

By Alexander Müller | 2019.03.18.

Prostitution has always been a profitable business, so there are many criminal groups that exploit vulnerable women. In the last period, the brothels which operate outside of the law started to spread inside Linz. The police started a major campaign in order to identify and shut down all these unauthorized brothels. Read the full article…

Maxim Wien girls in Bar Schönbrunn until it reopens

By Alexander Müller | 2019.02.25.

As some of you may know, Sexclub Maxim Wien has been closed since the end of last year because of renovations. Currently, the club is not operational, however, some Maxim girls can be found working in Bar Schönbrunn. Read the full post to find out exactly which girls you can expect there. Maxim girls who…

Police raid on street prostitution in Liesing, Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2019.02.21.

According to local reports, the Vienna Police Department conducted a raid on street prostitution in the 23rd district of Vienna. The raid took place over the weekend, with more than 25 police officers and around 20 employees from the city. The task force was mainly focusing on street prostitutes and advertisers that use “sex buses”…

New amendments regarding Human Trafficking

By Alexander Müller | 2019.02.08.

A democratic representative from Salt Lake City has proposed two new amendments regarding human trafficking legislation. The main objective of this regulation is to protect vulnerable persons and trafficked children. Angela Romero is the representative who wants to protect all vulnerable groups through the HB20 Act. In order to raise the public’s awareness, Romero shared…

Man convicted of paying for a prostitute after new prostitution law in Dublin

By Alexander Müller | 2019.01.31.

Bryan Mason is the man who was convicted of paying a prostitute for sex. The authorities have organized a raid to a brothel from Dublin and the 65-year-old man was the first person who was fined according to the new prostitution law in Dublin. The man went to the Dublin District Court and he has…

Illegal sexclubs in Australia, Canberra targeted by police

By Alexander Müller | 2019.01.16.

Recent reports indicate that the Australian police have organized raids that targeted the illegal sexclubs in Canberra. It was already a known fact that a lot of women are forced to work as prostitutes. Sex trafficking is a major problem the authorities face nowadays. Only in Canberra, ten illegal brothels were identified to operate freely.…

Couple who owned a secret sexclub in Cambodia was arrested

By Alexander Müller | 2019.01.14.

The authorities have arrested a couple who owned a massage shop in Phnom Penh’s Tuol Kork district, where they were offering sexual services. Sok Sothea is an officer who works for anti-human trafficking and juvenile protection department. He has declared that the persons responsible for this illegal activity are Sok Ratana and his wife Duong…

Former owner of Paradise in Stuttgart convicted

By Alexander Müller | 2019.01.02.

Not too long ago, a raid on sexclub Paradise in Stuttgart has been executed by the local authorities. The former owner of Paradise has been apprehended and convicted by the Federal Court of Justice. Jürgen Rudloff, the 64 year old sexclub owner has been sentenced to two years in prison on probation. According to the…

Cult Leader wants to open Doll sexclub in California

By Alexander Müller | 2018.12.27.

Unicult is a self-proclaimed feminist cult that is trying to launch an unusual business. The leader of this cult wants to open the first doll sexclub, where the clients should receive consent from the “artificial sex workers”. The first attempt to open a “robot sexclub” was in Huston, but the business was shut down because…

Charges against FKK Artemis in Berlin dismissed

By Alexander Müller | 2018.11.23.

The operators of FKK Artemis in Berlin have been in a legal conundrum for more than two years. The State Office of Criminal Investigation has been trying to prove that the sexclub’s owners aren’t operating their business legally since 2016. However, according to recent reports, the trial has ended and all of the charges against…