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Neueste Artikel zum Sex Club Wien

Religious views on Abortion

By Alexander Müller | 2014.05.11.

With the rise of abortion decisions nowadays, many religions have taken a strong stance either to oppose it or to support it.

How much do sex clubs and prostitutes charge for sex?

By Alexander Müller | 2014.04.30.

When you have decided to pay for sex you should gather information about the prices as they can vary from place to place.

Prostitution in older times and nowadays

By Alexander Müller | 2014.04.15.

Prostitution has been considered the oldest profession since the ancient times. A form of „Sex clubs” can be found hundreds of years ago too.

Sexual abstinence

By Alexander Müller | 2014.04.15.

Sexual abstinence Sexual abstinence or sexual restraint is the habit of withholding from some or all aspects of sexual activity. This decision can be taken for a number of reasons: medical, legal, social, financial, moral or religious. Celibacy is a practice of sexual abstinence caused by religious beliefs or by other personal factors. Sexual restraint…

Sexual attraction

By Alexander Müller | 2014.04.15.

Sexual attraction represents the attraction based on sexual desires. A person’s sexual attractiveness or sex appeal is a person’s quality to attract others sexually or erotically.

Swinger clubs

By Alexander Müller | 2014.03.31.

Swinging Swinging is when a couple “share” each other with other people. It is more and more popular with couples who have been living together for more years or decades. They might feel that they can’t satisfy each other’s sexual desires and they might want to experiment diversity.

Sex Tourism

By Alexander Müller | 2014.03.31.

Countries regarding paid sex can be divided into two groups. There are places where prostitution is illegal and areas where running a sexclub is legal and tolerated.  Both the girls and their clients go to the countries where sexclubs are legal for obvious reasons.

Peepshows in Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2014.01.10.

Peepshows are a kind of sex service, where a few girls can be seen dancing on a stage and the customers watch them in cabins. The minimum fee you have to pay is €1. The girls usually start dancing in underwear or half-naked and when their performance ends in a few minutes they get totally…

Most erotic cities in the world

By Alexander Müller | 2013.11.18.

Let’s face it, tourism isn’t what it used to be anymore. What started like casual sightseeing quickly evolved into searching for the place where all the fun is. And, as the idea of fun is different from person the person, the world has become an immense showcase for every delight imaginable to man.

Nightclubs and Bars in Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2013.10.29.

Since prostitution is generally legal all over Austria, the number of sex clubs and nightclubs has constantly been increasing. The places can be categorized differently, therefore everyone has the chance to find the one which meets their own requirements, taste or budget. There are numerous small sexbars in Vienna that are not too prosperous since…

Closed: Blue Velvet Review

By Alexander Müller | 2013.10.25.

Blue Velvet is a sexclub in Vienna, Austria. The interior is quite large and nice, up to a good standard, although the stone floor and red lights are not too contemporary nowadays, but apart from it, a really nice place. Generally both the staff and the clientele is kind. There are not too many international…

Nightlife in Vienna

By Alexander Müller | 2013.10.14.

So, you find yourself in Vienna and you are ready for some nightlife fun. Or maybe you came especially for the history and culture of this famous city. Or it’s possible you are just passing through and you can’t sleep.