Sex Tourism

Countries regarding paid sex can be divided into two groups. There are places where prostitution is illegal and areas where running a sexclub is legal and tolerated.  Both the girls and their clients go to the countries where sexclubs are legal for obvious reasons.

Sex Job in Wien

Countries where paid sex is legalSex club girls

In Europe, Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands are the countries where you are free to open a sexclub.  In these countries, prostitution is a business like everything else. The girls have to go to medical checkups, have to keep a health book and the sex industry is a tax paying profession. It’s good for the sexclub owners, the girls and the clients for more reasons.

Violation against women, human traffic is probably decreasing and the danger of sexually transmitted diseases is also reducing.

Is the language a problem?

Since sex tourism is flourishing, knowing more and more languages is necessary. The most important language is English. There are probably no girls employed by a sexclub who don’t know at least how to have a conversation in English. In the rest of the countries, German is also a plus, but many girls speak Romanian, Czech, Hungarian, French, Spanish or Italian. Sex tourism is present all across Europe.

Sex tourism is open both for the girls and the clients. The girls decide to leave their home countries and go to Western-Europe to a country where they can work legally in a sexclub for economic reasons. The clientele is also international that consists of local people, tourists or businessmen.

Asian girls

Another destination of sex tourism besides Europe is Asia, because a new prostitution law has come to effect at the end of 2011. Asian girls can’t have health book in European sexclubs. It’s too bad for the Asian girls who had worked in Europe before and also for the clients who wanted to bang Asian girls. The number one destination in Asia is Thailand, where sex tourists are welcomed.


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