Sexclubwien SPOTLIGHT: Emotion Wellness Wien 2017

In this episode of the Sexclubwien SPOTLIGHT, we are discussing yet another establishment in Wien; this time, Emotion Wellness, one of the best massage studios in Vienna. EW had the reputation of being the best when it comes to massages and sex combined, but lately, things have changed. This is the main focus of the SPOTLIGHT, as well as the reason why this studio has been receiving so much unwanted negative attention in the online forums. Just like for many other brothels, 2017 didn’t start out well for Emotion Wellness either.

Sex Club Maxim Wien

About Emotion Wellness

Emotion Wellness consists of two studios that are located next to each other at Murlingengasse 3 and Murlingengasse 7. EW has been around for a couple of years and in 2014 and 2015 it had many of the better ladies in Vienna in its repertoire, for a decent price. Girls that previously worked at some of the best brothels, such as Maxim, Goldentime and Babylon have also worked in Emotion Wellness. There was a time when clients had to book the chosen ladies in advance, as they had so much work.

The studio’s interior is well-rounded and it is in very good shape. It is a pretty decent studio in a mediocre area of the town and between the candidates in that area, Emotion Wellness is the best one. The prices are also acceptable, you can spend an hour in this studio for 160€.

Interior of Emotion Wellness Brothel in Vienna

Since Emotion Wellness was one of the best and they had a lot of customers, the administration behind the brothel decided to open another establishment just a few meters away from their already existing studio. It is often the case with studios that are close to their peak that they start to outgrow themselves.

Rouge, the new studio did not turn out to be such a good idea and it created market cannibalization for the business. Basically, they have made a huge investment in opening another studio on the same street and this didn’t pay off at all. On the contrary, it made Emotion Wellness look bad, as the girls that made the studio so great left and started working elsewhere. In the attempt of expanding their business, they have fallen into a pit of cannibals. Opening a second studio might be a good idea, but surely not right next to an already existing and successful establishment.

It is only logical that they would want to expand their business when they are such a popular place, but this decision can be regarded as a fail as not only that there are far less customers, but Emotion Wellness has also received a lot of negative feedback on the forums.

Forum reports

The first thing that you need to know is that Emotion Wellness has a policy of asking customers not to review them on the forums. They did not want to become a “thing” online, so they asked all of their clients to keep shut about the brothel. Their wishes came true and nobody really talked about this studio online, until their downfall.

Even though people did not really talk about EW online, they did not miss the opportunity to point out that some of the best girls have already left the studio. Of course, there were still reports about the studio, but not in the volume that it could have had. Currently, there are a lot of disappointed people who leave negative forum posts about EW. The main problem that the clients have is the lack of girls that made the studio so great. Most of the good girls that worked at Emotion Wellness have either left or started working at another studio. At this point, the Emotion Wellness lineup is not considered to be one of the best in Vienna by far.


Even though Emotion Wellness is still considered to be a better than average studio, it has changed a lot in recent times. The girls that once made the massage studio the best in Wien are no longer working at EW. Unfortunately, this is a huge thing and many people find it aggravating. This is the main reason for the overflowing number of negative posts about Emotion Wellness on forums and other online platforms.

Join us in the next edition of Sexclubwien SPOTLIGHT, when we dive into the history and current state of another brothel in Wien!

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