Brothel owners in Aargau accused of exploiting sex workers

Three people are facing trial at the District Court of Aargau on charges of exploiting illegal Chinese sex workers. The accused include a 50-year-old Chinese woman who owns several brothels, her 59-year-old Swiss partner, and a 59-year-old Swiss secretary employed by them. The defendants knowingly employed Chinese sex workers who were residing in Switzerland illegally. Instead of securing legal residence permits, they provided the women with counterfeit identity documents belonging to other Asian women.

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The sex workers were required to pay deposits for the fake IDs, monthly rents, and a significant portion of their earnings. This scheme allegedly generated approximately 340,000 Swiss francs in profits for the defendants in only five years. The defendants have denied all charges. A verdict is expected within a week. Prosecutors are seeking a three-year prison sentence and deportation for the Chinese brothel owner, while the Swiss partner and secretary could face suspended two-year sentences.

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The women were exploited in brothels across Hesse, Baden-Württemberg, and Bavaria: German-Chinese smuggling ring trial begins in Hanau

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