Underage girl in Vienna brothel

Police recently removed a 16 year old girl from a sex club in the 2nd district.  Apparently, the underage girl in Vienna brothel was working out of her own will and had fake identification. When the girl couldn’t handle the situation any longer, she called her sister for help. Since her parents didn’t know where she was, they immediately informed the police about the girl’s whereabouts. The 16 year old girl has previously also been reported missing by her family.

Police arriving at the brothel in question

Police arrived at the bar in Obermüllnerstraße (2nd district) and checked the girls’ papers that work there. We assume that this happened in Safari Bar, but we are not 100% sure about it.

The officers were able to identify the girl thanks to the description they got from the family. The 16 year old girl was immediately removed from the brothel. According to our sources, she’s currently in LEFÖ, which is an association that takes care of migrants and women who have been trafficked.

No charges against the brothel

Allegedly, the girl told the operator of the brothel that she’s 18 years old and proved it with fake identification. She also voluntarily started working as a prostitute. She wanted to become a sexworker to make some quick money after dropping out of school. When she realized it was all too much, she pulled the cord and notified her family.

After further investigation, Safari Bar is not being charged, as they had no idea the girl was a minor. The girl showed the operator fake identification indicating that she’s 18 years old and had a fake green health book. There was no reason to assume that the girl is not who she says she is.

We will keep you posted as any new information emerges. If you want to read about the story in German, check out the report posted by Heute. If you want to read a different post about Safari Bar, take a look at this incident from a few years ago.

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