
Fire Breaks Out at Freubad Brothel in Recherswil

In the early hours of Thursday, a smoldering fire accompanied by dense smoke erupted at the Freubad brothel in Recherswil, Switzerland. Fortunately, no injuries were reported.

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The Cantonal Police confirmed that the fire broke out around 1:30 AM. It was described as a smoldering fire, leading to significant smoke development.

As a precautionary measure, individuals were instructed to evacuate the brothel, which was reportedly well-frequented at the time of the incident. One person initially complained of difficulty breathing, according to police spokesperson Bruno Gribi; however, no further medical attention was required.

Approximately 20 personnel from the Recherswil Fire Department swiftly responded to the scene and gained control of the situation. The investigators from the Cantonal Police are currently working to determine the cause of the fire.

This incident marks the second fire on the premises of Freubad, one of Switzerland’s largest brothels, this year. In July, a staff residence was engulfed in flames.

Authorities are actively looking into the circumstances surrounding both incidents, emphasizing the need for a thorough investigation.

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