Blacklist of the Pay Sex Scene in Vienna

We’ve recently came across this sex-related wiki that focuses entirely on Austria’s pay sex scene, either on its good points or bad.

With this report we’ll focus on the blacklist they published:

Four categories are defined:

Scamming Girls

Sex Bars using Taxi Scams

False Advertisements

Not-Recommended Brothels.

Vienna, scamming girlsIn the Scamming Girls category there are a couple of girls you might already be familiar with – thanks to our previous Weekly Sex Club Reviews:

Vanity Porn from LH Maxim Winter

Kina Kash from LH Juchgasse

Ria Paradise from LH Juchgasse

As well as girls we haven’t mentioned before:

Alexa from Siebertgasse 6promised a lot of services to be delivered, failed to do so

Rebeca from Sechshauserstrasse 19C – same as Alexa, a lot of promises, a lot of letdowns

Yvette from LH Juchgasse – not caring about her clients at all, treats them with disrespect.

scamming girlsIn this category we can also find a few listings:

Listing of the Worst Scammers in Vienna – perhaps the only listing in Vienna’s pay sex scene with the worst scamming girls to have ever worked here.

Change of prices in Goldentime Saunaclub – new girls arrived in GT and started to ask for higher prices. This change surely has affected GT in one way or another.

Scamming Girls in August 2015 – a brief review on the girls that failed the most in August 2015 in Vienna’s pay sex scene.

escort websites fake picturesThe False Advertising category they listed is one that we’re very familiar with. Perhaps not to the extent of the articles listed there, but we’ve had our share of “new” girls (almost in all Weekly Sex Club Reviews we’ve done so far we’ve covered girls advertised as “new” when they weren’t):

Girls advertised as “new”Ads on the kontaktbazar forum where girls say they’re new. The truth is they’ve been touring Vienna for years.

Escort Agencies using Fake Photos for their Girls – although this is the first time we’ve read about this, it doesn’t come off as a surprise. What’s surprising is that these Escort Agencies don’t just modify their girls’ pics; no, they use totally different pictures stolen from foreign websites.

Escort Agencies creating new websites only to advertise themselves as new – Now this is something else. These escort agencies took the scam to another level

vienna taxi scamsDon’t know if you’re familiar with the Taxi Scams but it’s used by a couple of Sex Bars around Vienna:

The one that stands out is Eve Bar – perhaps the reason why 6Austria listed 2 reviews of Eve Bar, the reviews are 3 years apart.

In this category there’s also a Top List of the other clubs using Taxi Scams – Eve Bar (obviously), Monaco Bar and Okay Bar.

brothel listsThe last category is the Non-recommended Brothels, something we couldn’t agree more with.

They listed the Shadiest Sex Studios in Vienna, Cheapest Sex Studios and the Worst Sex Studios as the non-recommended brothels. Although we feel that this list of not-recommended brothels should be a bit bigger, perhaps in time they’ll expand it.

That’s it for now, make sure to check out 6Austria, they seem to have far more interesting wiki-like entries.

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