Prince Andrew in Sex Trafficking Scandal tied to Jeffrey Epstein

After Jeffrey Epstein’s death on August 10, 2019, multiple women have come forward saying that they were part of his sex trafficking business. They were forced to have sex with various men by Jeffrey Epstein from a young age.

According to Virginia Giuffre who was allegedly one of his victims, she was forced by Epstein to entertain and then have sex with Prince Andrew. In an interview, she talks about her relationship with Epstein and what she had to do for Prince Andrew by Epstein’s orders. Read on to find out more about this human trafficking scandal now!

Virginia Giuffre accuses Prince Andrew of being part of Epstein’s sex trafficking

According to Virginia Giuffre, she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew by her then boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein on three separate occasions.

Virginia Giuffre stated that the incident happened between 2001 and 2002 when she was only 17 years old. After a night out partying in a local club with Prince Andrew, Jeffrey Epstein and their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell, she was told by Ghislaine Maxwell on the way home that she has to do the same things to Prince Andrew that she does for her boyfriend Jeffrey Epstein.

According to Virginia Giuffre’s statement, she was disgusted by the sweaty Prince Andrew when she was forced to have sex with him. Although he wasn’t cruel or abusive, after the short sex session was over, he just got up, thanked her and left.

She was left in the room feeling dirty, confused and ashamed about what had happened. This was the first time she was trafficked to Prince Andrew, which was allegedly followed by two other similar incidents.

Prince Andrew doesn’t remember ever meeting Virginia Giuffre

When asked in the BBC interview if he has ever met Virginia Giuffre, Prince Andrew said that he has no recollection of meeting her. The interviewer then started talking about the photograph that was taken at Ghislaine Maxwell’s home in London, where Prince Andrew’s arm is around the waist of then 17 year old Virginia Giuffre.

She asked him how he explains the photograph if they never met, to which he responded: “I can’t. Again, I have absolutely no memory of that photograph ever being taken.” He repeated this sentence multiple times throughout the interview.

Although Price Andrew clearly recognizes himself in the photo and according to his team’s research there’s no way to prove that it is fake, he still thinks that is has been fabricated.

Prince Andrew didn’t notice any signs of sex trafficking while he was around Epstein

Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein had been friends for years and Prince Andrew even stayed in Epstein’s houses multiple times over the years. However, Prince Andrew claims that they weren’t close friends and that he knew Epstein through their mutual friend Ghislaine Maxwell. When asked if he had ever noticed any signs of human trafficking at Epstein’s residents and parties, he said that he never saw anything.

According to Virginia Giuffre’s lawyers, it was impossible to be around Jeffrey Epstein and not notice the signs of forcing and trafficking young girls, especially on his parties.

Aftermath of Prince Andrew’s interview about the sex trafficking scandal

Prince Andrew got under a lot of heat after the BBC interview aired on national television. The interview is considered to be a huge PR disaster and according to a survey, over 90% of people thought that Prince Andrew was not telling the truth or that he was at least acting strange.  

A few days after the interview aired, Prince Andrew stepped down from his royal duties. His 60th birthday party that was to be held on the 19th of February in 2020 has also been cancelled in favour of a royal family dinner.

Conclusion on Prince Andrew’s sex trafficking scandal

At this point, it is basically Virginia Giuffre’s word against Prince Andrew’s and until new evidence is presented, we can only wait and speculate. If Virginia Giuffre was in fact forced by Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with Prince Andrew, she should have justice; and according to her legal team, that is what she seeks. A lot of people think that Prince Andrew should speak with US law enforcement agencies to clear his name. There is no reason not to if he is innocent, especially after allowing an open interview about the subject, with no taboo questions. If he is guilty and he had any part in Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking crimes, he should be punished accordingly; royalty or not.

If you wish to read the publications that our post has been based on, check out either the German article on Der Tagesspiegel or the English version on The Guardian now!

Human trafficking is still a very prominent threat for young women all around the world. This is all that we know regarding the sex trafficking scandal until new information emerges, in which case we will make sure to update this post with any of the relevant details. Until then, go ahead and read some of our other publications on human trafficking by clicking on any of the following links now:

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