News outlets claiming that prostitution is allowed again

We have recently found two articles from notable Austrian news outlets claiming that women can work legally again, and that brothels in Vienna can open soon. This comes with a grain of salt, as at the time of writing, there haven’t been any official state announcements made yet about a new law being put in motion. For more details about this news that may or may not be true, keep reading now!

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In our recent blog post we’ve written about the fact that some brothels have announced their reopening starting from the 19th of May. To read that post on the Sex in Vienna blog, click on the following link:

Prostitutes can start working again in Vienna

The first news that we are covering is claiming that sex workers can already work in Vienna legally. This article comes from the website, which is a reputable news outlet in Austria. In this post, they write about the fact that even if brothels and other similar establishments can’t open starting from May 19, the women will still be allowed to work legally. Although according to this post sex work is allowed again, since brothels are closed only escort is available right now. For more details about this post, click on the link above and read the original German publication.

Brothels are allowed to open from May 19

In the second article we are featuring, it is written that brothels will be allowed to open their doors again starting from the 19th of May. This post was published on the website, which is yet another prominent Austrian news site. According to this post, brothels will be allowed to open alongside all leisure facilities starting from May 19. People will be allowed to visit such places but they will be required to wear FFP2 masks and in some cases even show a recent negative COVID test too. To read the German post about this news piece, click the link above.

This news might not be accurate at all

Although both of the news outlets that posted the stories are reputable, what they wrote might not happen. There haven’t been any official statements being made yet about brothels being allowed to open again, and we don’t want to share false information. Because of this, we decided to feature this news, but warn our readers that although this might happen, nothing is 100% sure until the government says so. Until they release a statement about the future of the prostitution scene in Vienna and Austria, nothing is certain.

To keep yourself updated on the latest happenings in Vienna, be sure to come back and check our blog and even this article frequently. We will be posting any updates as soon as we acquire them. The related Sex Vienna Forum part is available here: Sex clubs in Vienna opens at May 19

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