Our opinion on the realistic sex doll business

Not too long ago, I’ve read this article about the popularity of sex doll brothels and how a lot of people are choosing to have sex with a realistic sex doll when going to a sex club.

This is something that I have been keeping my eye on for a while, not necessarily because I’m interested in having sex with an anime sex doll, but rather because it’s a rather fascinating thing for me.

In this article, I will be sharing my own thoughts on the subject, as well as my personal predictions for the silicone sex doll business in the world. Stay till the end of the article if you are interested!

Sex dolls becoming more popular

The article that I mentioned in the beginning of the post was published on Brothel Vienna not too long ago. In this article, you can read about a German brothel where they have implemented a realistic sex doll that actually reacts when you touch her, as well as a brothel in Switzerland where the real women have been replaced with sex dolls.

Additionally, it is also written that these artificial dolls are mainly for sensitive people who cannot make a connection with real women. I agree with a lot of what’s written in the post, but there are a few things that I would like to expand on. And that is exactly what I intend to do in this blog post!

Realistic sex dolls are not just for the sensitive kind

The first thing I would like to comment on is the statement that most people who have sex with a realistic sex doll are sensitive and shy people. I am sure that there are a lot of people who are having sex with these dolls because of their inability to form a relationship with a real woman, especially middle aged Asian men.

However, I think most of the clientele of these so-called “sex doll brothels” are simply people who want to try having sex with a doll. And those who like the experience will definitely come back for more.

The main reason behind this is that there’s no bad or off-days for these silicone sex dolls. Sex with them is always the same (good or bad) and the client dictates literally everything. Of course, there are two sides to a coin, and the passivity of the sex dolls is one of the huge disadvantages of them too.

Hygiene is the most important part of a sex doll brothel

When you think about it, one of the biggest advantages of having sex with a realistic sex doll is the fact that you can’t impregnate her (it?). Because of this, a lot of people would jump into the pool that is a sex doll barefoot; however, this is not the smartest thing to do in a brothel setting.

Let’s say a sex doll has ten customers one day (which is very realistic). Each of these customers has sex with the sex doll, and none of them use a condom. Now, if the sex doll is not cleaned thoroughly after each and every one of those sessions, it is entirely possible to get the sexually transmitted diseases of the previous client through this sex doll.

And let’s face it, there’s really no guarantee that the proper cleansing protocol is done on the sex doll after each session. Because of this, it’s not the smartest thing to have sex with an anime sex doll without using a condom, and we do not recommend doing this.

The future of the realistic sex doll business

At its current state, the biggest disadvantage of these sex dolls is the fact that they are passive and the interaction with them is one-sided. In fact, this is the main reason many people who try sex with a realistic sex doll say they are never going to do it again.

Because of this, real women are definitely going to stay on the top for a long time. However, if scientist and the geniuses behind the creation of these dolls can somehow bypass this, sex dolls might actually turn out to be a huge contender (at least for a small number of clients who pay for sex).

Of course, in reality, this is still a far-off thing that we can only speculate about. The technology that is available to us can only take us so far. However, if we consider the fact that these sex dolls have only recently hit the market (around 10 years ago), we can safely assume that they are definitely going to be improved on. This is especially true since there is clearly a market for these anime sex dolls in the world of paid sex.


Yes, sex doll brothels and realistic sex dolls in general have received a lot of popularity in recent years, and a bunch of brothels that specialize in this type of services have opened up, even in Wien.

There are in fact a lot of people who want to try sex with a doll once, and a decent number of these people would come back for a second session. However, when looking at the whole sex scene, this is just a minor number of people.

Sex with real women is still (and will be for a long time) more popular then sex with realistic sex dolls. Although sex dolls are very fascinating to me, even if not from an erotic standpoint, in the end they are still just artificial dolls with holes, which doesn’t seem that arousing to me. But, to each his own and this is the beauty of the sex scene; everybody can find the fetish that they are really into.

If you enjoyed this blog post, be sure to check out some of the other posts that we have published on our blog by clicking on any of the links that you will find below! Enjoy!

Sex doll brothel in Freiberg am Neckar

Brothel in Vienna started using Sex Dolls

Cult Leader wants to open Doll sexclub in California

Sex doll brothel opens in Madrid, Spain