Re-Opening in Germany

The lockdown is over in Germany and now prostitutes are allowed to get back to work. However, they didn’t allow it in all of their federal states, as there are still areas where sex work is stagnating. First off, let’s take a look at the rules and regulations that apply to Berlin right now.

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The Current State of Prostitution in Berlin

In Schleswig-Holstein and Saxony-Anhalt, prostitutes are relieved because they can finally start working. Unfortunately, sex workers are still forced to wait in many other federal states. Spokeswoman Johanna Weber from the association for erotic and sexual services commented the situation.

According to her words, it is good news that allowing prostitutes to work again is part of the plan as the lockdown is lifted in Germany. But still, we still should not forget the fact that the situation is not the same in many other federal states.

Prostitutes are still not going to be allowed to provide just about any sexual service. From June 18, only those services are allowed that do not include sexual intercourse. Institutions and agencies where women work at as prostitutes need to follow the required hygiene concepts. These also include testing for Covid-19.

This is How Berlin Allowed Sex Work after the First Lockdown

The reason why Berlin was allowed to open up its paysex scene after the first lockdown is because two court cases have won. One has initiated by an erotic massage parlor, while the other by a domina studio. Both of these have accelerated the process.

Initially, brothels were open and prostitutes were allowed to offer massages. Then, 14 days later, sexual intercourse was also allowed. According to Johanna Weber, something similar is expected to happen in the current situation.

Rules and Regulations Forced Many Prostitutes into Illegality

Meanwhile, things are not looking so bright in Baden-Württemberg, Saxony, Bavaria, Saarland and Hamburg. There, the situation with the paysex scene is pretty much the same as it was since last November.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and Hesse, it is even worse because all the brothels are closed since March 2020. As a result, prostitutes have fallen into an existential crisis and many of them ended up working illegally. They had no job to or permanent residence to rely on, which forced them to figure things out on their own.

The situation was much more endurable for those who received unemployment benefits and Corona aid. According to the professional association for erotic and sexual services, close to 40,000 men and women are registered as sex workers in Germany.

Because of private and professional disadvantages, many of them decided to work without the protection that the government offers for prostitutes. During these times, many events are organized with the aim to draw attention to the current situation with sex work in Germany.

Read more about the Vienna paysex scene in our recent article: News Outlets Claiming that Prostitution is Allowed Again

Also, check out our previous news article about prostitution in Germany: Prostitutes Allowed to Go Back to Work in Some States in Germany

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