happy couple

10 tips for better oral sex

Good communication and mutual enjoyment are important for any satisfying sexual relationship. To build a strong and satisfying connection with your partner, it’s essential to understand each other’s needs, boundaries, and desires.

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Oral sex, when done with the right techniques and mindset, can be a very intimate and pleasurable experience for both partners. It’s more than just an act; it requires skill, attention, and empathy. By focusing on open communication, good foreplay, cleanliness, and a variety of techniques, couples can create a deep and enjoyable experience.

This article will explore these ten tips to improve your oral sex experiences and make your connection with your partner stronger:

  1. Communicate openly
  2. Focus on foreplay
  3. Maintain good hygiene
  4. Use your hands
  5. Try different techniques
  6. Take your time
  7. Include the whole body
  8. Use lubrication
  9. Pay attention to your partner’s reactions
  10. Keep practicing

Tip 1: Communicate openly

Open and honest communication is the foundation of any great sexual experience. For oral sex to be truly enjoyable for both partners, understanding each other’s preferences, boundaries, and comfort zones is vital.

It’s not uncommon for people to feel shy or awkward discussing these topics, but having these conversations can lead to better, more tailored experiences.

Set aside time in a relaxed setting, away from the heat of the moment, to discuss what you both enjoy, any dislikes, and new things you might want to explore. Phrases like, “I really enjoyed when you did this; how did it feel for you?” or “Is there something you’ve been curious about trying?” can help break the ice. Remember, communication isn’t a one-time event; it’s an ongoing dialogue that evolves with your relationship.

Tip 2: Focus on foreplay

Foreplay is an essential part of the sexual experience that builds trust, setting the stage for more intense pleasure during oral sex. Good foreplay goes beyond physical touch; it involves creating an atmosphere of seduction and intimacy.

Think about dimming the lights, playing soft music, or using scented candles to set the mood. Start slowly by exploring each other’s bodies with gentle touches, deep, lingering kisses, and sensual whispers. The goal is to engage all the senses.

Tip 3: Maintain good hygiene

Cleanliness is essential for a comfortable and enjoyable sexual experience, particularly when it comes to oral sex. Feeling fresh can boost confidence and help both partners relax and enjoy the moment more fully.

Consider showering together as part of your foreplay; the act of washing each other can be incredibly intimate and arousing.

If showering together isn’t possible, using wet wipes or a damp washcloth to freshen up can be a good alternative.

Openly discussing hygiene preferences can also help both partners feel more comfortable and reduce any stress, ensuring the experience remains focused on pleasure.

Did you know, that taking part in oral sex is one of the top female sexual fantasies? Read our article where we covered the 8 most important ones:

Tip 4: Use your hands

Oral sex doesn’t have to be just about the mouth; using your hand can significantly enhance the experience. You can provide different types of stimulation that complement what your mouth is doing, creating a more varied and comprehensive experience to your partner.

For example, gently massaging while using your tongue can amplify pleasure. Experiment with different hand techniques, pressures, and rhythms to see what your partner enjoys most. Combining oral and manual stimulation allows for a richer, more engaging experience.

using your hands during foreplay

Tip 5: Try different techniques

Keeping oral sex exciting often means exploring a range of techniques. Don’t be afraid to vary the pressure, speed, and types of movements you use. This could mean alternating between soft and firm strokes, varying your tongue movements, or even introducing elements like temperature play with ice or warm breath.

Pay close attention to your partner’s responses to understand what brings them the most pleasure. Trying new things together not only keeps the experience fresh but also helps both partners learn more about what they enjoy.

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Read our blog post where we mentioned these tips:

Tip 6: Take your time

Rushing through oral sex can lead to a less satisfying experience for both partners. Instead, take your time to enjoy each moment, focusing on the sensations and your partner’s reactions. Slow, deliberate movements can help build intensity and create a deeper, more emotional connection.

Oral sex can be a journey, not a race, and allowing yourself to be present and responsive to your partner can turn the experience into something truly special. As a plus, giving in this case can be as enjoyable as getting.

include the whole body in foreplay

Tip 7: Include the whole body

Oral sex doesn’t have to be limited to just the genitals; the entire body can be a playground for pleasure. Areas like the neck, chest, inner thighs, and even the lower back can be incredibly sensitive and responsive to touch and kisses.

By using these areas during the foreplay, you create a 100% stronger experience that deepens emotional and physical intimacy. Knowing how to navigate these erogenous zones can make the experience much more fulfilling and bring both partners closer together.

Tip 8: Use lubrication

Lubrication can make oral sex more comfortable, especially for longer sessions, and it can add an extra layer of pleasure. Choose a lubricant that is specifically safe for oral use and explore different flavors to make the experience more enjoyable for both partners.

A well-chosen lubricant can reduce friction, increase sensitivity, and even bring a playful element to your session.

Health.com has a great article about how to use lubrication the most effective way:

Tip 9: Pay attention to your partner’s reactions

One of the most important aspects of great oral sex is being attentive to your partner’s verbal and non-verbal reactions This means being aware of their breathing patterns, the sounds they make, and how their body responds to different stimuli.

Signs like moaning, arching their back, or gripping the sheets can provide valuable insights into what they enjoy. Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback, a simple “Does this feel good?” can go a long way in ensuring both partners are having a pleasurable experience.

Tip 10: Keep practicing

Just like any other skill, getting better at oral sex requires practice and a willingness to learn and adapt. Be open to experimenting with new techniques, learning from past experiences, and seeking feedback from your partner. Every individual’s preferences are unique, so what works for one person may not work for another.

Over time, this continued exploration can lead to more satisfying and enriching experiences for both partners. Remember, the journey to becoming better at oral sex is one of curiosity, patience, and mutual pleasure.


Enhancing oral sex is about much more than just physical techniques; it involves understanding, communication, and a genuine desire to please and connect with your partner. By incorporating these ten tips you can create more meaningful and satisfying sexual experiences.

As we mentioned, great oral sex is a journey that requires patience, practice, and an openness to learn from one another. By approaching it with empathy, curiosity, and a sense of adventure, you can not only improve your skills but also strengthen your emotional and physical bond with your partner.

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