
Recent news from the sex industry

We’ve gone through the most recent news in the industry, and two interesting stories have caught our attention. A court case took place a few days ago, where a prostitute stood trial after scamming a client out of nearly 300,000 euros.

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In another case, robbers attacked a nightclub in Graz and threatened the sex workers there. According to the news report, the robbery ended unexpectedly, and no one was harmed. Read the full details below.

Prostitute accused of scamming client out of 300000 euros

A court case took place on Thursday involving a prostitute accused of scamming a client out of nearly 300000 euros. The victim, who met the woman at a Salzburg brothel, believed she had fallen in love with him. The woman and two accomplices told the victim that she had cancer and needed expensive treatments in Israel and Spain.

At first, the victim paid 13000 euros, but over a year, he continued to give money, reaching a total of almost 3000000 euros. It was later revealed that the woman was not sick and continued working as a prostitute.

The scam was discovered when the victim tried to visit her during one of her supposed treatments abroad but was unable to. While one accomplice is going to trial this week, the main suspect will face a separate trial.

It is unlikely that the victim will get his money back.

Prostitutes drive away robbers in Graz nightclub

In another incident, three masked men tried to rob a nightclub in Graz early on Tuesday morning. The robbers entered the club around 2:30 AM, armed with a knife, and threatened the two women working there, demanding money. However, the women refused to hand over any cash.

When the 54-year-old club owner appeared, the robbers panicked and fled the scene. No one was hurt during the incident. The police are still searching for the robbers, but so far, they have not been found.

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