Woman Accepts Penalty After Sexual Incident in Church


In a recent case in Germany, a woman has accepted a penalty following a sexual incident that took place in a Catholic church, leading to the cancellation of a trial scheduled for early February 2024, as announced by the Rosenheim District Court. The initial report of this incident came from the “Süddeutsche Zeitung.” The court …

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15-Year-Old Girl Assaulted in a Car

raped victim in vienna

In October, a 15-year-old girl from Carinthia reported to the police that she had been sexually assaulted by a 23-year-old man from Salzburg at the beginning of the year. Now, the 23-year-old has been arrested. As it has recently come to light, the State Criminal Police Office of Carinthia had been conducting an investigation against …

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Maxim Wien Unveils Table Dance Experience in Vienna

Maxim Wien, the renowned nightclub in Vienna, has introduced an exciting addition to its offerings: table dance performances. This new entertainment option promises a unique and enjoyable experience for visitors. What Sets Maxim Wien’s Table Dance Apart Maxim Wien’s table dance sets itself apart by providing a blend of seductive entertainment in a relaxed environment. …

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Horrific Crime in Koblenz: Suspected Prostitute Brutally Murdered

In a shocking incident in Koblenz, a woman suspected to be a prostitute was brutally killed. Emergency services were alerted last Wednesday evening and found the woman unconscious and in cardiac arrest in an apartment. Despite immediate medical care, she later died in the night at a Koblenz hospital. An autopsy revealed that she had …

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Verstrickungen im Rotlichtbezirk

In Graz wurde ein aufsehenerregender Prozess eröffnet, der tief in die dunklen Geschäfte eines Bordells in der Steiermark blickt. Im Zentrum der Anklage stehen sechs ehemalige Angestellte, unter ihnen die Bordellchefin. Die Hauptvorwürfe umfassen den Handel mit 4,6 Kilogramm Kokain, das an Freier verkauft wurde, sowie schwere Nötigung. Zwei Geldeintreiber des Bordells werden beschuldigt, einen …

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Entanglements in the Red-Light District

A trial has been opened in Graz, delving deep into the illicit dealings of a brothel in Styria. At the heart of the charges are six former employees, including the brothel’s manager. The primary accusations revolve around the trafficking of 4.6 kilograms of cocaine, which was allegedly sold to clients, as well as severe coercion. …

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5 Things That Will Make a Girl in a Sex Club Dislike You

sex worker in wien

Sex clubs are a good place to relax and have fun, but these places also have their own etiquette. If you visit a premium club, you should also take care of these rules, unless you want to be completely ignored by the girls. In the best places in Vienna (and around the world), the ladies …

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Body of Missing 26-Year-Old Romanian Woman Found Near Graz’s Mur Power Plant


After weeks of relentless searching, a somber breakthrough occurred when the lifeless body of a 26-year-old Romanian woman, who had been missing since mid-August after being swept away by the Mur River in Graz, was located near the Mur Power Plant. The mystery surrounding her disappearance had stirred widespread concern and triggered an intensive search …

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