We read an interesting article in TAG24 about the ongoing discussion in Germany regarding the potential ban on prostitution proposed by the CDU. The article also delved into the opinions of sex workers on this proposed ban. In Berlin, the Candy Shop brothel on Kamenzer Damm is a well-known establishment. TAG24 visited this brothel to …
At the end of 2023, approximately 30,000 prostitutes had valid work licences in Germany, 8% more than in 2022, but almost 25% less than before the COVID pandemic. There are around 2,300 brothels and other companies which have licences to provide sex services. However, the women’s rights organization Solwodi Germany estimates that there are many …
A prostitute was sentenced to an 18-month suspended sentence by the Karlsruhe District Court on Tuesday for defrauding a 75-year old man of tens of thousands of euros. The victim lent substantial amounts of money to the 40-year-old prostitute over a period of nearly two years. She received over 81,000 euros in transfers and at …
A young man is under investigation after threatening a sex worker in Herbertingen. The confrontation occurred after the prostitute wanted to get her money upfront, but the guy, instead of paying her, pulled out a gun. The sex date was organized through an online service where sex workers advertise their services. The two met in …
Auf der Suche nach großartigem Sex sind Experimentierfreude und Kreativität entscheidend. Die Bijou Escort Agentur, die bekannte Escort Agentur in Wien, hat eine Top-Liste zusammengestellt, um Ihnen zu einem aufregenderen Sexleben zu verhelfen. Hier sind die besten Tipps, um Ihr Sexleben aufzupeppen, wie sie von dieser Agentur zusammengestellt wurden. Verlasse deine Komfortzone Routine führt oft …
In the quest for great sex, experimentation and creativity are key. Bijou Escort Agency, the well-known escort agency in Vienna, has compiled a top list to guide you towards a more exciting sex life. Here are the best tips to spice up your sex life, as compiled this agency. Step out of your comfort zone …
A recent police raid targeted the Pascha brothel in Germany, because of alleged tax evasion. Last Saturday police and tax investigators arrived at the scene with multiple vehicles, initiating a comprehensive search for evidence. The operation started at the beginning of business hours to ensure the presence of all sex workers. Authorities focused their efforts …
A 46-year-old man killed a woman because she refused to stop prostituting for his sake. This is not the first time the man has harmed a woman. A few years ago, he threw a woman from the second floor but was later released from psychiatry. They met each other in a sex club The 46-year-old …
Three people are facing trial at the District Court of Aargau on charges of exploiting illegal Chinese sex workers. The accused include a 50-year-old Chinese woman who owns several brothels, her 59-year-old Swiss partner, and a 59-year-old Swiss secretary employed by them. The defendants knowingly employed Chinese sex workers who were residing in Switzerland illegally. …
A Romanian prostitute had to face the court in Graz because she had tested positive for gonorrhea but continued to offer her services at a laufhaus in the city. She was caught during a police raid after she was unable to present her health certificate, which is required for all sex workers in Austria. She …